Given the stupendous commitment and supreme sacrifices of many, India finally won her freedom.
The task ahead- of Nation Building- is what confronted our elders who were the leaders, designers, architects and builders of the newly freed India. We did follow a concerted approach with the embedded problems typical to India, in a paradigm of "rule by opposition, with all the conflicting interests and concerns". The approach of the country has been one based on "straddling" across various interest groups with divergent demands, with rampant opposition and obstructions pulling down and significantly slowing the pace, often distorting the policies and their implementation.
Two days ago, on a visit to South Korea, as we drove form the Incheon Airport to Seoul city, I was struck by the amazing "order" and discipline in the man-made landscape comprising sky scrapers, green houses, townships, buildings as also man-made forests and green hills. Seeing this, the question that popped up in my mind was "What could be the soul of this country?" As I search for the answer in my interactions and observation of the markets, the people, the roads and buildings, students and academicians, I increasingly get the feeling that I am zeroing in on "hard work, sweat and perseverance'. This corroborates very well with my observations of the landscape, city scape and market scape and their people.
With a per capita income of about 100 USD in the mid sixties, with little support from the international Banks and agencies, saddled with a passive, nay, even change resistant citizenry, Korea did manage to impressively negotiate the change. Neither did they have an abundant availability of resources like Iron and Steel or Coal. Under these circumstances, with a sincere commitment to transform themselves with a single-minded focus on hard work and perseverance with an entire generation offering their time and life at the altar of Nation Building, simultaneously ushering in a culture of dedication and sincerity, Koreans have completely transformed their country and today boasts of a GDP per capita of 27,000 USD.
While the country has done so well economically, it is disheartening to note that it is beset with problems of stress, suicides and low fertility rates.
As in the realm of development, akin to the concept of sustainable development, if the economic progress of a nation is juxtaposed with the development of human aspirations for truth, beauty, light and goodness along a path of faith and patience, what is obtained may possibly be true and solid growth embellished by economic and material progress.
The soul of India is her spirituality, which is clearly present in the blood of her citizens, although it is often dormant and veiled by layers of scepticism, cynicism, acquired learning and habits. If this commitment to nation building with diligent hardworking and perseverance is cemented together by the highest aspirations, we could indeed have a resurgent India, anchored in the modern and ancient poise and prosperity, development and true liberation.
- Smt. Jayanti S. Ravi